Make a list of one hundred things you'd like to do before you once again become nonlocalized energy and information. For each item on the list, write down something you can do today to bring it closer to reality. From the list of one hundred wishes you wrote, select the one that you would most like to take place in your life. Now write a detailed description of that wish and how you would feel when you accomplished it. An affirmation is a positive statement that can influence the way you create and interpret your world. Write six affirmations pertaining to your emotional life, e.g., "I feel happy and hopeful about my relationships with the people I care about." Write an affirmation pertaining to your work or professional life. Write an affirmation pertaining to your health, e.g., "I feel strong as a bull and happy as a lark." As you read the affirmations that you just wrote, what are your responses? Do you feel any physical sensations anywhere in your body? Are you aware of sensations of hope or fear? Describe your feelings in writing. Is there anything in your life that you'd like to accomplish but that you feel you simply cannot do? List all the things you can think of. Now describe a sequence of events that would culminate in your actually doing one of those things. Make this as plausible as possible. List all the opportunities that have presented themselves to you in the past twenty-four hours. How can you best participate in them? The boundaries that we perceive in our lives are more apparent than real. The higher self recognizes and understands this, and it is not fooled by everyday notions of reality. Write down your thoughts about the perceived boundaries that may have restricted you in the past, and how you can test their true importance in the future.